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Get Rugs 200% Cleaner, Safer, Without Harsh Chemicals, in Our State of The Art Rug Cleaning Facility
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Indicate which services you are interested in (check all that apply)
Area rug cleaning
Pet urine & odor removal
Moth damage repair or restoration
In home carpet, hard surface or upholstery cleaning
Rug pad, carpet protection or storage wrap
Please provide as much information as possible regarding your cleaning needs. List the size of rugs, make of rugs (handmade or machine-made) and condition of rugs.
Request a Quote
Standard Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday, 9:00-5:00
Tell Us More About Your Rugs
To help us provide you the most accurate estimate possible, please provide the following images of your rug:
1. Overall picture of the face or top of the rug
2. Picture of a corner of the face or top of the rug
3. Picture of a corner of the back side of the rug
4. Picture of the label on the back of the rug